His Discoveries of Psychological TypesMagna Carta is Latin for “a great or distinguished paper”. The Magna Carta of Carl Jung refers to Jung’s discovery of the different psychological types.
The psychological typology of Carl Jung forms a definite and profoundly important aspect of human psychology. It is marked by the concept of “decisiveness”, which in modern speech is referred to as decision-making. Psychological Types is therefore a typology of the different modes of decisiveness. It is the first and only purely psychological typology ever developed.
The Magna Carta of Carl Jung is a meticulously considered extraction and compilation of Jung’s concepts, presented in his own words, from his book, Psychological Types. It thus provides a direct representation of Jung’s core concepts about psychological types.
The Magna Carta of Carl Jung frames these core concepts in a unique sequence which allows the reader to follow the unfolding of Jung’s discoveries in a step-by-step manner. This approach traverses the historical and empirical grounds that give rise to the developmental trajectory of Jung’s concepts, affording readers the opportunity to obtain a grasp of Jung’s comprehensive discoveries about psychological types for themselves.
The Magna Carta of Carl Jung distils Jung’s essential concepts into an authentic rendition thereof, making it accessible to the audience for which Jung intended it: the educated layman. Its value for all individuals on their journey of self-discovery is perhaps best described in Jung’s own words: “I would not for anything dispense with this compass on my psychological voyages of discovery.” (Collected Works 6, par. 959)
Frederik Huysamen, Linda Stroebel and Dr. Elmarie Malek, together with Sumi Gous, are founding members of a Jungian study group entitled Analytical Typology, based in Cape Town, South Africa. Their current focus is on providing an authentic representation of Jung’s psychological typology based on his criteria and method as presented in The Magna Carta of Carl Jung.
Analytical Typology provides educational guidance for an objective classification of psychological types. Jung classifies the empirical material of individuals, observable in their verbal and written self-expressions. Analytical Typology demonstrates his method.
This approach distances itself from the use of type inventories and questionnaires, which fall short of providing an accurate classification.