The I and the NOT I: A Study in the Development of Consciousness

Anyone who wants a meaningful entrance point to Jungian psychology should start with Harding’s The I and the NOT I.  This book provides much more than an accessible introduction to the Jungian concept of ego development and Jung's theory of personality structure.

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Author: M. Esther Harding
No. Pages: 254
ISBN: 9780691017969

“The book is written from a rich store of knowledge and experience, and can claim a distinctive place among its several predecessors.  The author’s main objective in marshalling her material is a plea for the development of consciousness, not only for the purpose of achieving a fuller life but also as an ethical task… The descriptive sections are well done and eminently readable.  The author is at her best when representing human situations in which the underlying psychological factors can be seen at work and brought to the notice of the reader.” – The Journal of Analytical Psychology