Transformation of the God-Image: An Elucidation of Jung’s Answer to Job

Answer to Job contains the kernel, the essence, of the Jungian myth, and Edinger's study of it, at once erudite and down-to-earth, thoughtful and heartfelt, evokes that essence with unequalled clarity and power.

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Author: Edward F. Edinger
No. Pages: 143
ISBN: 9780919123557

From the Foreword by Lawrence W. Jaffe:
If, as Edward Edinger predicts, Jung’s works are one day read as Scripture once was – for sustenance of our souls, for moving words that touch us to the heart, for reassurance, guidance and orientation – Answer to Job will surely occupy a unique place in the Jungian canon.  The special status of Answer to Job as the most complete statement of Jung’s essential message has long been acknowledged by Jungians, who have discussed it in countless seminars and conferences since its publication in 1952.

What has sparked all this interest is that the central theme of Answer to Job – the transformation of God through human consciousness – is the central theme, too, of Jungian psychology.  Not long before his death Jung himself affirmed its importance, remarking that he would like to rewrite all of his books except Answer to Job, which he would leave just as it stands.

Answer to Job contains the kernel, the essence, of the Jungian myth, and Edinger’s study of it, at once erudite and down-to-earth, thoughtful and heartfelt, evokes that essence with unequalled clarity and power.